Healthcare Professionals

Healthcare Professionals

If you were hurt and could not find a solution - What would you do? Who would you see?

Every practicing doctor or therapist has those few patients who just don't make sense. They have the same complaints as people you have seen before, but they just are not responding to care. Simply put, they are hard to figure out.

Knowledge is limited. Not everything about the human body is known. Moreover, no one person or profession can know all of what is known. Including our profession. So medicine is split into various professions, specialties, and subspecialties. Individual physicians can choose to deepen their knowledge about one area while, by necessity, limiting their breath of knowledge. We have chosen to do this within the subspecialty of soft tissue disorders.

You can also look at our web page Science & Research for more information.

What types of injuries should I refer to Fall Creek Chiropractic?

  1. Anyone you suspect has a soft tissue injury that is not responding to your care?
  2. Someone that has responded well to care but has plateaued before complete resolution?
  3. Symptoms of pain, numbness, tingling, aching, burning, pulling, and decreased range of motion.
  4. When all conventional tests (MRI, CT, EMG, blood work) are negative, yet the symptoms persist. There are limited technological tests for soft tissue problems. Usually, they must be determined by altered tissue texture, tension, and movement.

When referring a patient to our office you can expect:

  • An initial report and periodic update reports. We will keep you informed about your patient's condition and progress.
  • We will be available for phone consultations.
  • Referral back to your office once we are finished with the treatment plan. This way you maintain case control.

What is Flexion-Distraction and could it help my patients?

Flexion-distraction is one of the most well researched chiropractic techniques currently in use. Many Cox Technique patients share a common condition: back pain resulting from a herniated disk. Cox Technique decompression provides relief of spinal pain due to disk herniation and stenosis, facet syndrome, spondylolisthesis, synovial cyst, sciatica and leg pain, and whiplash. Contraindications include fractures, open wounds, and infections, but because the method is so gentle, there are few other contraindications. Various studies have been conducted by federal grants and have determined that flexion-distraction allows the reduction of intradiskal pressure (to as low as -192 mm Hg), an increase in intervertebral disk height, and an increase in intervertebral foramen size by 28%. In another study, the team found that flexion distraction did significantly better than physical therapy for chronic/severe, chronic/acute, and radiculopathy patients. This technique is comprised of doctor applied pressure at specific contacts intended to relieve pain, and restore range of motion. It is controlled by the doctor, and therefore can be very gentle and applied to weaker patients, such as the osteoporotic and fused postsurgical patients. This technique differs from typical decompression, which is based upon treating the entire spine. The Cox Technique allows us to focus on the origin of problem and allows us to avoid areas of contraindication if needed. The benefit also causes us to dictate care based upon results. We are constantly changing methods and directions of motion based upon their present objective findings. This focus on results gets the attention of both patients and you as the referring physician. Call our office for any further questions regarding the Cox Technique.